
Privacy policy


We have updated our privacy notce

Dear Customers,


We want to give you the best possible experience to ensure that you enjoy our service today, tomorrow, and in the future.


It is also our goal to be as open and transparent as possible with our users about the personal data we collect to provide that service, how it is used, and with whom it is shared.


We are contactng you today to let you know that we will be making some changes to our Privacy Policy, which will be efectve from May 25th. These changes will refect the increased transparency requirements of the EU General Data Protecton Regulaton (known as the ‘GDPR’).


We have always strived to provide you with clear and simple informaton about the personal data we collect and use and how we protect your personal data in our Privacy Policy.


Being an existng customer you do not need to take any acton as long as you are happy to hear from us from tme to tme.


View Privacy Policy


Today we are simply announcing enhancements to the Privacy Policy which clarify and provide additonal informaton about: - your privacy rights and how to exercise them; - how we collect, use, share and protect your personal data, and - the legal bases we rely on to process your personal data. We will also be rolling out new tools which include a new User Privacy Setngs area in our webside www.kotar.pl


If you have any questons, please contact us using the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




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